Location: Singapore

A ordinary gal who wants to travel the world. She has dreams. To her, every failure is a lesson and a step closer to her dreams. She knows that fate plays a part in life which she can't go against.



"The skies above..." Version 1.01 is designed & coded by Princessa at Sabrina.SG.

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This is just a place for expression. There is no harm in words or person. No worries are needed. Every thing which happen in life happens for a reason. And every thing that happens is a lesson for us to learn. Follow your heart as intution will never go wrong.

Friday, September 18, 2009

18 September 2009

Today isn't a happy day for me. I have received 2 bad news. One is I wasn't selected for a job, and the other one is I went for a job interview today which the interviewers' body language is telling me that I'm not the person that they were looking for. Haiz.....what is happening? Must I really go back to the food science industry? If I go back to my previous industry, all these 3 years of study in obtaining a Communications degree will be wasted. I don't want this to happen. I am only asking for a chance to allow me to either work in the PR, Marcom or events. Is that so difficult? Is it because my character doesn't suit these industries? I know my weaknesses, but why can't these companies give me a chance to prove myself? From the day I ended my exams, I have sent out an estimated 100-200plus resumes. Why aren't there more interviews? Why aren't there any offers given to me? I am really puzzled. Is the problem on me or what? I am somewhat frustrated because it has been so many months. Where is that job?!


  • At 11:48 PM , Blogger ponga said...

    oh dear....poor thing...don worry babe...something good will come...jus cos the rest have jobs does nt mean its permanent cos nothing is. take it by the stride babe...don loose yrself.


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