Location: Singapore

A ordinary gal who wants to travel the world. She has dreams. To her, every failure is a lesson and a step closer to her dreams. She knows that fate plays a part in life which she can't go against.



"The skies above..." Version 1.01 is designed & coded by Princessa at Sabrina.SG.

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This is just a place for expression. There is no harm in words or person. No worries are needed. Every thing which happen in life happens for a reason. And every thing that happens is a lesson for us to learn. Follow your heart as intution will never go wrong.

Monday, December 21, 2009

21 December

4 more days to Christmas! Wondering why am I looking forward to this day? The answer is because it is a public holiday, and I do not need to go to work. Yah! Entering the work force once again has made me missed the days in school. The carefree life is what I missed the most as no one will stick their nose into the things I do. I will describe a work life as a serving a sentence in jail, but it is a paid jail term because people are monitoring the things you do. In addition, one can't do what they want or leave at the time they desire. Everything that you do needs to go through the hierarchical sequencing before it is approved. And this includes applying for a day's leave. Since I'm at this topic, it strikes me that from the day we are born we are being controlled. When we were younger, parents or elders are there to tell us what we can or can't do. Then as we grow up, school's rules and class's rules are the ones that control our actions. It seems like no matter at what age we are in, our actions are always been watched by others. Seems like a sad thing to you? To me, it is kind of sad because there is no real freedom.
Doubts exist in everyone of us. The job that I'm in has made me question myself numerous times - "Am I suitable for this job?" "Is this what I really want?" "What is the thing I really want in life?" " What kind of job do I really want?" Till now, I have not found the answer to all my questions. However, I do firmly know that this is not the kind of job I wanted. I want something where my time is flexible, enabling me to write & take beautiful photos of the things I experience and allowing me to travel to different places to share with people the cultures of the countries. I am the type of person who wants to experience cultures, places and food with my senses. Will I ever get this kind of job? I am not sure about it, but I believe that what I want I will achieve it in the end. :)


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