Location: Singapore

A ordinary gal who wants to travel the world. She has dreams. To her, every failure is a lesson and a step closer to her dreams. She knows that fate plays a part in life which she can't go against.



"The skies above..." Version 1.01 is designed & coded by Princessa at Sabrina.SG.

* Best viewed with FireFox at 1024 x 768.


This is just a place for expression. There is no harm in words or person. No worries are needed. Every thing which happen in life happens for a reason. And every thing that happens is a lesson for us to learn. Follow your heart as intution will never go wrong.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Its holidays!

Today, I'm entering into my 5th day of my holiday. My holiday started on last Friday after my last paper which is on Thursday. At last getting some rest and a break from school work. Last Friday was Anita's birthday so we went for a celebration of her birthday at Seoul Garden. We were also celebrating the end of our exams and beginning of our holidays. After lunch on Friday, we went around to have some funny photo shoots. Later in the evening, we went drinking at Clark Quay area. It was fun, but I'm looking forward to go abroad for holiday to really relax myself, and recompose myself for the coming Summer semester which would be a fast and challenging one. This semester holiday will only last for three weeks so I must treasure it. For the past few days I have been doing some leisure reading to kill time. I want to spend these holidays more fruitful, meaningful and exciting. Hopefully, I can do it. I need to re-organise my thoughts and find answers to some questions.....

Friday, April 04, 2008

The feeling is back again

That feeling is coming back to me again. The feeling of leaving this country and people I know. I really need a break for a few weeks to go to a place where no one knows me. I need to get myself back together. I need peace and quiet for just a few weeks to re-compose myself. I want to get out of Singapore for a few weeks alone to do some deep thinking. I REALLY NEED THIS! But I am not sure how I'm going to do that because my parents still control me even though I'm turning 25 this year. Those who are reading may be laughing at me. A 25 year old female who still needs to inform where she is going, who she is out with, what time will be back,etc to her parents. Maybe some who are reading may think that I'm fortunate that my parents care a lot about me. I know I'm fortunate, but I need more breathing space. I need to find the real me because I am somewhat lost on the road that I'm now walking upon. So I really need to get away from Singapore and people who I know.