Location: Singapore

A ordinary gal who wants to travel the world. She has dreams. To her, every failure is a lesson and a step closer to her dreams. She knows that fate plays a part in life which she can't go against.



"The skies above..." Version 1.01 is designed & coded by Princessa at Sabrina.SG.

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This is just a place for expression. There is no harm in words or person. No worries are needed. Every thing which happen in life happens for a reason. And every thing that happens is a lesson for us to learn. Follow your heart as intution will never go wrong.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where is the end?!!!

Have you ever feel that there are times when the problem doesn't goes away no matter how you try to solve it? I have this experience especially with my dad. To solve this problem, I have to literally give in because I didn't want to start a quarrel. I know that my parents love me, but I feel that my dad, especially is treating me like a small girl even though I'm turning 26 this year. I know that parents are protective of their children, but I feel that at times the protectiveness can be suffocating. I know that my dad has become better when compared to the past. However, I still feel like a bird in a cage. I feel that my dad has not fully trusted me in certain ways because he still treats me like a small kid at times. Haiz......sometimes I feel that my parents don't understand me in certain ways. It would be difficult at times to make them understand certain things because they just cannot seems to see our viewpoint. I had tried many times to make them see things from my viewpoint, especially my dad, but it always end up in a quarrel which I'm sick of. Sometimes I wonder when would they see things in our viewpoint? Will things improve to where I wanted it to be when I turned 30?
This is also the reason why I don't want to get a boyfriend. If I have boyfriend/husband like my dad who is over-protective, I think I will choose to stay single forever.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dont know why?

It has been long since I had last updated my blog. I am writing today because I felt very down all of a sudden. I was feeling normal this morning and afternoon. I didn't know what had happen to me, but when I board the bus after class to go home I felt very sad and depressed all of a sudden. My mood really went down to the lowest. I have not felt so down in my life before, and didn't know how or where did this feeling come from. Could it be that I am too nervous and worried about my speech which I will be giving tomorrow or is it because I have not been exercising to increase the happy hormones? I just can't put a finger where the problem is. I wanted to feel better so I treated myself to a brownie hoping that it could uplift my mood. After eating it, my mood was not uplifted at all. So I decided to blog hoping that by getting things off my chest would help. I am feeling a little better now, but that sadness is still there.

How do I get rid of it? What is happening to me? Why am I feeling this way? Where is the root of the problem so that I can get overcome it? I really don't understand why I am feeling this way. Who can give me an answer?