Location: Singapore

A ordinary gal who wants to travel the world. She has dreams. To her, every failure is a lesson and a step closer to her dreams. She knows that fate plays a part in life which she can't go against.



"The skies above..." Version 1.01 is designed & coded by Princessa at Sabrina.SG.

* Best viewed with FireFox at 1024 x 768.


This is just a place for expression. There is no harm in words or person. No worries are needed. Every thing which happen in life happens for a reason. And every thing that happens is a lesson for us to learn. Follow your heart as intution will never go wrong.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Feeling troubled again

Exams is coming. I am feeling troubled again. I really need a holiday badly to renew, refresh and rearrange my thoughts. There is too many things going on and the pressure is piling on me. I really need a breather. I want to go somewhere alone without my family and friends as I really need sometime alone. I really need the space to rearrange myself mentally and physically. This kind of feeling has increased its 'appearance' within me. I think I am hitting the limit of what I can take. Now, I envy people who are able to go overseas for holiday. I think I have been supressing my feeling too much, and bottle many things in me. I'm feeling very tired now, and really need a rest. Life is very tired for me currently. I want to go on holiday alone. I really need one.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Can't wait for next tuesday to end

There is so many project deadlines and presentations this week and next week. I can't wait for it to end next Tuesday! After next Tuesday, I would be free of projects and presentations. :-) Yeah!!!! What is left would be the preparation of examination and then holidays will be here. Yes!!!! I really can't wait for the holidays to start so I can take a breather. These few months especially the end of the few weeks in this semester, I can feel the pressure pressing on me till I can feel that I can't breathe. When the holidays come, must take a week of really really good rest.
I know in life, I can't get everything I want or want everything to go my way. But still, I am really envy of those people who can get what they want and have things going the way they had expected. I want to be like those people one day because I believe that whatever difficulties, problems and hardships we go through it will eventually lead us to the goals that we have set for ourselves. Knowing that life isn't a bed of rose, more hardwork and determination are needed to achieve what we want in life. I believe that if we belive that we are able to do it, we can achieve it. Life has ups and downs; therefore, we need to learn how to turn the downs into motivation.

Friday, November 09, 2007

count down for final exam

Final exam is around a month away. I have not started studying for the exam yet. :-( SOC101 and MGM409 are very heavy because one has 22 chapters and the other has 17 chapters. I hope I can start my revision early so that I will not have to do last minute cramping. Hopefully I can start next weekend because the coming week would be a busy week. Projects deadlines are flooding in next week. Monday have 2 projects that are due and Wednesday there is one too. There is a presentation on Friday. The coming week is a very busy week. Don't know whether I will have time to take a breather. It seems like next week I'm becoming a superwoman. haha....trying to complete everything. Must remind myself to print out the report for COM231 for Monday. Good news for next week, I don't need to be in school for Tuesday and Thursday. Yeah. :-) But I think would be reports rushing week because need to complete COM 337 and COM317. :-(

Friday, November 02, 2007

work work and more work

The projects are never ending and the deadlines are back-to-back. I am been drown by all this work load. So many things to do, study and worry about. Why are all these stuff never ending? Where is the bottom of all these things? My COM231 has not been doing very well because I flunk my mid-term examination. I believe that I am able to pull the grade up to a B-. I will work very hard for it. No matter how steep is this mountain, I can do it.
I am now looking forward to the 1 month holiday that is coming on the 7th December. But I don't think that I will be able to go overseas for holiday. :-( Thats very upsetting because I yearn to go somewhere to relax with breathe-taking scenery, and where no one knows me. :-) Then I can re-organize my thoughs and everything. How I wish............
Can someone who is rich enough to sponsor me? :-)